Guests & Fees
Daily Guest Fee - all ages: $5
Members are welcome to brings guests to use the facilities and join in the fun.
Guest Policies:
Members must be age 16 or older in order to bring a guest.
All guests must be signed-in by a sponsoring member.
Guests are entitled to full club privileges for the day as long as the sponsoring member remains at the club; once the member leaves the club, the guest must leave also.
Guests must abide by all Club Rules. Members are responsible to ensure that their guests understand and abide by these rules.
In the event of disregard of the rules, or uncontrollable behavior by a guest, the pool manager, lifeguard or any board member may terminate privileges for the day, in which case the sponsoring members and their guests must leave the club immediately and there shall be no refund of fees.
Members assume full responsibility for the conduct of their guests and will be held liable for any damage caused by their guests.
Guests will be limited to no more than FIVE (5) visits in a season.
Larger parties must be approved by the pool manager in advance - submit a Party Request to the front office. See the Parties page for more details.