YSC Pool Rules
The following rules governing the use of the Yorklyn Swim Club (YSC) a/k/a/ Yorklyn Recreation Center
(YRC) facilities have been formulated to assure maximum enjoyment and safety for you, your family,
guests, and other members. The rules, where noted, are required to comply with Delaware State Board of
Health Regulations. When you pay your dues, you are agreeing to abide by all of the following rules.
All of these rules are in force at all times including normal operating hours, times when the swim team is
using the pool, and during after-hours parties.
General Code of Conduct:
YSC/YRC is considered a safe, family-friendly environment. We will NOT tolerate any bullying or
otherwise unacceptable behavior. If a member child or adult is observed bullying, hitting, or conducting
themselves in an unacceptable manner on Club grounds, the incident will be reported to the parents and
the Board, a written incident report will be generated, and a verbal warning will be given at the time.
Should the behavior persist or continue, further action including suspension or expulsion may result.
Should a member or member child have three separate incidents then they will be expelled for the
remainder of the season.
If a non-member child/guest is observed engaging in unacceptable behavior or bullying, they will be
expelled from the Club immediately.
No abusive, profane, or otherwise offensive language shall be permitted on Club premises.
Community Rules
Every effort must be made to respect the rights and privacy of the owners of property surrounding the
pool, the pool grounds, shrubs, parking lot, and fields surrounding the pool.
Trespassing on private property surrounding the pool will be reported to the police. Trespassing on
the pool property when the pool is closed will also be reported to the police.
Members and their guests must adhere to speed limits on the local roads leading to YSC/YRC.
YSC/YRC reserves the right to direct people to park elsewhere when it is required to alleviate
congestion and during regularly scheduled swim meets.
Operating Rules (to be strictly enforced)
The YSC/YRC staff will be in charge at all times and will have complete authority to enforce all rules
including limiting the activity of anyone risking his or her own safety and/or the safety and enjoyment
of others.
No one is permitted in the pool unless a lifeguard is on duty (Board of Health H-1, 4). When a
lifeguard or pool manager closes the pool, whether because of a safety or weather issue or because
of pool hours, everyone must exit the pool immediately and without argument.
For a child to be left at the YSC/YRC facilities alone, without parent or guardian supervision, the child
must be a member of the pool and must be at least 12 years old and must pass the following
swimming test (to be administered by a YSC/YRC lifeguard). A 12 year old at the pool without
supervision by a parent or guardian is not allowed to bring a guest to the pool and is not allowed to be
responsible for younger siblings. Once a member child reaches the age of 16, they are allowed to
bring guests and are allowed to be responsible for their self and younger siblings
a. Swimming one length of the pool
b. Floating, bobbing, and treading water for one minute
While Lifeguards are on duty for safety and emergencies, they are not expected to babysit or
manage children. Parents and guardians are responsible for their children at all times.
Children in the wading pool or “baby pool” area must be 6 years of age or younger and under the
direct supervision of a parent or guardian. Lifeguards do not directly supervise the wading pool and
cannot act as babysitters. The wading pool is exclusively for the use of young children who cannot
pass the basic swim test.
Children who have not passed the basic swimming test may use the regular pool, but must be
constantly attended by a parent or guardian who should be in the pool with the child and within arms
reach of the child.
Leak-proof diapers are required on untrained children in both the wading pool and the main pool
areas. (Waterproof diapers will be available at the guard shack for a nominal charge.)
Any person having an obvious communicable disease, skin eruption, fungus infections, ear, eye,
nose or throat infection, or wearing bandages may not use the pool (Board of Health, H-7).
Showers must be taken before entering the water. If suntan preparations are used, the bather must
re-shower prior to entering the pool.
No running, pushing, horseplay, roughhousing, wrestling, or other undue disturbances will be
permitted in the pool area, pool, or pool decking.
Only one person will be permitted on the diving board at a time.
Expectorating, spitting, and nose blowing in the pool or around the pool is prohibited.
No pets are permitted within the pool area at any time. The one exception is the “doggie dip” in the
pool after the pool has closed for the season.
Foods and/or beverages are restricted to the picnic (grass), patio, or deck areas. Chewing gum is
prohibited in the pool area. Food is not permitted in the pool.
Glass containers of any kind (beverage, suntan lotions, etc) are not permitted in the area (deck and
concrete) immediately around the pool.
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at all times in the pool water, but are permitted in the picnic
(grass), patio or deck areas provided the member and/or guest is of the legal age to consume. The
Pool Manager, Lifeguard, or board member can determine that a member or guest is not permitted to
swim after consumption of alcohol and may request a member to leave the pool grounds in the event
of inappropriate behavior. During adult social functions, the diving area will remain closed.
Alcoholic beverages are only permitted to be consumed during regular business hours, when the pool
is open for all. For example, alcoholic beverages are not permitted during Swim Team practice, swim
meets or early morning lap swimming hours.
Illegal drugs are not permitted on the grounds at any time. Should members be found using or in
possession of illegal drugs, they will be subject to disciplinary action including a written incident
report, discussions with parents and potentially law enforcement, possible suspension or expulsion.
Members are asked to leave prescription medications at home to ensure the safety of the pool
Smoking is only permitted in designated areas outside of the fenced area around the pool.
Disruptive or unruly behavior is not permitted and the disruptive person(s) will be asked to leave at
the discretion of the lifeguards. Any ejection will be for the remainder of the day; any additional
ejections will require a parental conference if a minor is involved. Said conference will be with the
pool manager and/or Board officers prior to re-admittance. Please reference the General Code of
Conduct for further guidance.
Trash must be deposited in the receptacles provided. Members are expected to clean up after
themselves, their children, and their guests.
Parents/guardians are responsible for supervising their children in the bathhouse and cleaning any
mess left by their child. Cleaning supplies and disinfectants are available from the Lifeguard staff.
Pool furniture is to be used appropriately. Other chairs must not be used as playground equipment.
Yorklyn Swim Club a/k/a Yorklyn Recreation Center Pool Rules and Regulations
Proper swim attire (bathing suit) is required to enter the water. Cut-off's or other shorts are not
All families must sign in daily when they enter the pool grounds and all guests must be accounted for
and must pay the appropriate guest fee at the time of entry.
No skateboards, scooters, lacrosse sticks, or water guns are permitted in the pool area.
No skateboards, scooters, bicycles, roller skates or roller blades are permitted on the tennis courts.
Diving in the shallow end of the pool is prohibited at all times including the times at which the swim
team is using the pool.
Rear-facing or backwards entry into the pool is not permitted at any time.
The pool MUST BE CLEARED immediately during any thunder or lightening electrical storm. The
pool will not be reopened until at least 30 minutes after last lightning is seen and/or thunder is heard.
The Pool Manager or Lifeguard will have ultimate authority over this decision. Any prolonged arguing
about this with the Pool Manager or Lifeguard(s) will result in ejection from the pool for the rest of the
The Pool Manager and/or Lifeguard(s) may close the deep end of the pool when they feel there is not
enough light to see the bottom of the pool. Any prolonged arguing about this with the Pool Manager
or Lifeguard(s) will result in ejection from the pool for the rest of the day and, depending on the
severity, the next day as well.
The Pool Manager and/or Lifeguard(s) may close the pool if it is raining too hard for them to see the
bottom of the pool. It will be at their sole discretion to re-open the pool if the weather improves
enough for it to be safe to re-open the pool. Any prolonged arguing about this with the Pool Manager
or Lifeguard(s) will result in ejection from the pool for the rest of the day.
The Equipment Rooms and Guard Shack/Office are to be entered by authorized persons ONLY.
These areas are for use by the Club Staff (and executive board as necessary) and loitering is
Members and Member Children are not permitted to hang around or loiter around the guard stands or
the entrance areas.
Guest Rules
Guests must enter with a member, sign the guest register and pay the fee.
The member must stay at the pool with guests.
Members must be age 16 or older in order to bring a guest.
Guests may only visit 5 times Once they have reached that limit, they must join the pool as a
member or not be permitted entrance. Paid guest fees will be credited toward the membership fee.
Discretionary Rules
Certain water accessories (kickboards, noodles, puddlejumpers etc.) and games (line, tag, ball
throwing, etc.) may be allowed in the pool at the lifeguard's discretion and depending upon the
number of people in the pool.
When the diving board is not being used, permission to swim in the diving area must be obtained
from the lifeguard.
The lifeguards, at their discretion, may announce a 15-minute adult (18 or older) swim every 2 hours.
Community Rules
Every effort must be made to respect the rights and privacy of the owners of property surrounding the pool, the pool grounds, shrubs, parking lot, and fields surrounding the pool.
Trespassing on private property surrounding the pool will be reported to the police.
Members and their guest must adhere to speed limits on the local roads leading to YRC.
YRC reserves the right to direct people to park elsewhere when it is required to alleviate congestion and during regularly scheduled swim meets.
Other Conditions and General Comments
The pool staff reserves the right to suspend the privileges of any member or guest who violates
established rules for a period not to exceed 24 hours. The Board will determine when longer
suspensions or expulsions area required. Should a member have privileges suspended on three (3)
separate occasions, the Board reserves the right to revoke their membership for the remainder of the
Parents or guardians, not lifeguards, are responsible for their children's conduct. Lifeguards have
complete authority during pool hours and disregarding their instructions may jeopardize your
Membership fees paid are not refundable.
Costs for repairs or replacement of any damaged pool property may be charged to the specific
member responsible.
Although provisions for the safety of all members and guests have been made, YSC/YRC assumes
no responsibility for anyone using the pool or other YSC/YRC facilities.
All personal injuries, regardless of how slight, must be reported immediately to the lifeguard on duty in
order to ensure that an incident report is completed.
Swim Team meets are held occasionally on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. The exact
meet schedule will be posted. In certain cases, meets that were canceled or delayed may be made
up at other times. There may be closures of the pool to accommodate swim meets. For more,
information, contact swimteam@yorklynpool.com .
The pool can be rented for parties or events. See the Pool Manager or lifeguards for more
information. (Certain restrictions may apply- such as curfews for music, etc.)
Lanes will be roped off for lap swimming between 6PM - 7PM, upon request. Lane closures for lap
swimming during weekend hours with the exception of 6PM to 7PM will be at the discretion of the
Please direct all suggestions, questions, or complaints, to information@yorklynpool.com.